Why shouldn’t you dry laundry at home?

In this case, certain measures should be respected to limit the risks of drying indoors as much as possible:

_ Your clothes, towels and sheets should be spaced out in your drying rack for better air circulation between the textiles. Do not hesitate to remove dry laundry to improve ventilation.

_ Capitalize on spinning the clothes at maximum speed to end up with as few damp clothes as possible

_ Prefer the day to dry your laundry. Drying is accelerated by light and hot air.

_ If you have too many items to dry, you can use hangers

_ Use clothespins to avoid contact between damp fabrics

_Put your drying rack in the least humid room. The ideal is that it has a window to evacuate humidity and ventilate the room

_ Keep the drying rack away from a heat source such as a radiator or fan. This will only have the effect of promoting the evaporation of humidity and creating even more saturated air.

_ It is not a very good idea to hang your damp laundry in the bathroom because it is one of the damp rooms

_ You must regularly ventilate the room in which your drying rack is placed. In this case, you will not need a humidity absorber (or air dehumidifier)

_ To get closer to an ideal humidity level, do not hesitate to renew the air

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