Recipe for a Gluten-Free, Low-Sugar Dessert That Will Help You Lose Weight!


Put the oatmeal into a bowl and add the warm milk to start. Let it soak for 10 minutes so the oatmeal can get soft.

2. Getting Bananas Ready
Peel the bananas and mash them with a fork while the rice is soaking. This will make the dessert naturally sweet and moist.

3. Mixing the dry parts
Put the chocolate and baking powder in a different bowl and mix them together. Make sure to mix well so that the cocoa taste spreads out evenly.

4. Getting Eggs Ready
In a bowl, crack the eggs into it and whisk them until they are well mixed. The treat will have a lighter taste because the eggs will be mixed with air.

Getting the Ingredients Mixed
After getting all the parts ready, it’s time to put them all together:

1. Putting bananas and oatmeal together
Mix the mashed bananas into the rice that has been soaked. Blend them together until they are well mixed.

2. Putting in the cocoa mix
Then, add the cocoa and baking powder mix to the oatmeal and banana mix. Mix everything together until it’s all mixed in evenly.

3. Adding eggs to the recipe

Add the beaten eggs slowly to the oatmeal mixture. Be careful not to mix the ingredients too much, as this can make the treat thicker by deflating the eggs.

Making the dessert
It’s time to bake once the batter is ready:

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