Chicken salad recipe is delicious! The best I have ever eaten in my entire life!!!

A delicious croissant with chicken salad… It is difficult to attend the dinner when you say it is in our booth at lunch!

List of ingredients.

3 à 4 tasses de poulet cuit, coupé en morceaux.

1 cup of red raisins, sans graines and coupés en deux.

1/2 cup of sliced ​​almonds 2 sticks of celery, cut into cubes.

3 green onions cut into small pieces.

2 cuillères à soupe d’aneth frais, coupé en petits morceaux.

1 tablespoon chopped fresh parsley.

1 cuillère à café de fleur d’ail 1 cup mayonnaise Juice of 1 lemon.

1 cuillère à soupe de moutarde de Dijon 1 teaspoon salt.

Freshly ground black pepper.


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