Laurel in the washing machine, you will be surprised as soon as you see the clothes: impeccable laundry

Did you know that putting bay leaves in the washing machine provides benefits to your clothes? Here we explain how to give new life to our clothes. In the past, especially in the Middle Ages, many plants were used to soothe ailments or cure certain diseases and were also used for some household tasks when … Lire plus

Pastel de crema de cacahuate sin hornear.

Pastel de mantequilla de cacahuate sin hornear: capas de pudín de mantequilla de cacahuate, batido frío y galletas de chocolate con trozos de trigo integral, todo cubierto con glaseado de chocolate. Il reste plus longtemps là-bas. Tener un refrigerador es genial; es muy difícil esperar para comer. ¡Muy bueno! Les gens sont devenus très enthousiastes … Lire plus

Apple Fritter Bites

I wanted to share these tasty apple fritter bites with you today because they are a special treat for the fall season. These are fritters similar to doughnuts, full of apple flavor, very light, and topped with a tasty apple cider glaze. Since they are baked instead of fried, you might feel a bit better … Lire plus

La deliciosa receta de pastel.

Beginning Dans le monde des desserts faits à la maison, les recettes simples sont souvent les plus savoureuses. Ce gâteau, avec sa texture douce et sa garniture onctueuse et savoureuse, montre cette façon de penser. La belle apparence d’un gâteau cuit parfaitement, avec du sucre en poudre et des morceaux d’amandes, peut améliorer toutes sortes … Lire plus